Moving around safely

The most important activity you can do for your hip when you return home from the hospital is to walk as much as possible. While at home, you will continue to walk with the assistive device unless directed by your surgeon to discontinue use.

Walking will help tremendously with the flexibility and strengthening of your hip, however you must be cautious and remember to move around your home safely.

At home

Being home after surgery can be difficult. Cooking and other simple daily activities such as bathing may be harder for you to do alone. There are devices on the market right now such as dressing aids, raised toilet seats, bath benches, and handrails that may be helpful for you. Your local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation or a medical supply company may be able to help you find assistive devices in your area. You may also ask your physical therapist for assistance tracking these items down.

Here are some important tips to remember when you arrive home from the hospital. If you have a family member or loved one helping to take care of you, have them read these tips as well.